This is my first blog post on this site. My wife thinks that I need to vent my frustrations on this blog. I can honestly say that this has been a very depressing day for me. I am completely in awe of how the masses are not questioning the official report that we finally got Osama Bin Laden. It amazes me that people believe his body was buried at sea in honor of Muslim religious customs. Destruction of fake evidence is the real reason. We the People need to wake up the lies that have been told to us for so many years.
First thing I would like to mention is Al Qaeda. What is Al Qaeda? Most people would say Bin Laden's terrorist group. But, there is more than meets the busy distracted misinformed American's eye. Al Qaeda was a creation from our Central Intelligence Agency that was started under the Carter administration to fight against the Russians in Pakistan in the late 1970s. This same rogue group was used to fight the against the Serbs in Kosovo in the 1990s.
We all know about September 11, but there is more..... Right now, Al Qaeda operatives are assisting Libyan Rebels to attempt to overthrow Mummar Gaddafi. That's right. We are fighting with Al Qaeda in Libya, but against them everywhere else. Bin Laden wasn't a solo flying crazed terrorist. He worked for our CIA. He was one of their assets. That is why Al Qaeda is sometimes called Al-CIA-Da. They are creation from our CIA.
Why does all of this matter? Simply put, the terrorist group responsible for the Sept. 11 attacks was created by our own government. The terrorists who carried out the attacks were indeed terrorists, but their orders come from people who work for our CIA. That's kind of a big deal if you ask me.
A documentary about 911 Truth that the mainstream media does not want you to know about, Loose Change, pretty well sums up the September 11th attacks on our nation. Lets just say that some people whom are held in high honor by the masses aren't who you think they are. We can cover that some other time.
Focusing on 911, we as a nation, myself included were in shock as to what had happened. We saw 911 as a terrorist attack carried out by Bin Laden's terrorist groups alone, and no one else. We all bought this hook line and sinker. We watched three building crumble to the ground, we saw our Pentagon attacked, and we saw a plane go down in a rural town in Pennsylvania. We all immediately as a nation united and wanted justice for those who had perished.
Rightfully so.
As a young naive person at the time who had been raised to vote straight ticket Republican no matter what, I was ready to support our wonderful Christian President no matter what people thought. Boy how time changes you. I would highly recommend you watch the documentary "Loose Change". I know I've mentioned it once already, but after watching this documentary, it makes me understand a lot more that I did not understand before. I had never heard of the term "False Flag Attack" until a short time before I watch this documentary. A false flag attack is when a nation flies the flag of another nation or group of people, and carries out terrorist attacks on its own people.
Why would anyone do such a thing?
Many times it is done to create a justification to go to war with the group or nation who appears to be carrying out the attack. The United States has had other situations like this present themselves throughout its history. Two very well known false flag attacks were Operation Northwood (This attack was not carried out) and the Gulf of Tonkin incident. Operation Northwood was presented to John F. Kennedy in the early sixties. The main premise of the operation was to set off bombs in major cities and highjack a plane, but make it look like Fidel Castro did it to get the American citizens on board to go to war with Cuba. Kennedy did not do it, and well we know what happened to him.
The Gulf of Tonkin incident, which is declassified info now, was carried out by Lyndon Johnson. It was a staged attack on one of our Naval Ships in the Gulf of Tonkin, and it was stated that the Vietnamese carried out the attack. This false flag attack is what got the U.S. heavily involved in Vietnam. Some 70,000 U.S. Soldiers lost their lives in Vietnam. These people lost their lives because of a bold face lie that our government told.
Why would our government do this?
It's simple. War is big business. Our military is supposed to protect our borders, but right now, our borders are wide open, and we are fighting in perpetual wars around the world that will never have a conclusion, unless we just leave. Our military does not fight to protect our freedoms. It polices the world to take out secular powers who will not cooperate on a Globalist Stage.
Have you ever noticed how it is ram slammed down our throats to salute the military? How we are to always honor the military forces who are fighting in wars around the world to protect our freedom? Key words being wars around the world. We are slowly being programmed to salute military and higher powers every day no matter what. Anyone who questions this is labeled a potential domestic terrorist, unpatriotic, and dismissed as a conspiracy theorist.
I personally hurt for our military personnel. I work with several people who have been in the military, and I can tell that most of them have been brainwashed so badly that mental damage has been done. They have been programmed to never question authority. No matter what, the commander-in-chief is always right, especially if his last name is Bush. It is so sad to me to see these people not have a mind for themselves. Almost all of them never question any war we are in. The more recent they served in the military, the more brainwashed they are. To me, this is scary. I have a government that constantly reminds me to salute a military that will do anything the government tell them to do. Can we say Hitler control? That military that I am constantly being reminded to salute for protecting my freedoms could also take them away in an instant if their commander-in-chief decides to enforce martial law. My freedoms come from my creator, not a military industrial complex.
Anyway, back to 911. In the documentary "Loose Change", there are multiple instances that show us that 911 was a fraud. Those three buildings did not fall due to planes crashing into two of them. They were blown up, and the documentary proves it with simple physics and a little slow motion video that shows in multiple places where explosions were occurring some 30 stories below the cloud of debris as it was raining down. Oh, and nothing hit World Trade Center Tower 7, but fell to the ground in gravitational free fall as well. Due to time constraint, I will not cover the Pentagon, but it is laced with evidence of massive fraud as well. It's all in this documentary. As far as I'm concerned this documentary was proof enough for me that I am convinced our government carried out a false-flag attack on us on 911.
This is a very very big deal.
How has America Changed since 911? Well lets start with the Patriot Act. A clear violation of the 4th amendment (free from unreasonable search and seisures). When I try to bring this up to people, they simply say, "It's prevented another terrorist attack." Well yeah, the people who carried out the first one are the same people taking away your rights. Repeal the Patriot Act, and there will be another attack. Just to show us we are bad for wanting to live free from tyranny.
Secondly, lets talk about wars. We have been in perpetual war ever since 911. We have seen the purchasing power of our dollar drop greatly as a result of all of the deficit spending to fund these wars. I really believe that people were starting to wake up to the fact that all these wars were not worth the cost. We need to bring our troops home. They are dying for no reason. Well guess what logical thinking people, we just got Bin Laden. Every dime we spent on war can now be justified in the public eye. The sad part is, most people believe that we actually just got him. Folks, he has been dead for a long time. They are just now telling you about it with a heroic b.s. story of how our gracious military carried out the operation.
It depresses me to see people who thirst for knowledge, who were about to start a peaceful revolution in America, fall back into the Bread and Circuses that our government creates to control the masses. Simply put, this was to change America's Opinion of perpetual war. In 2012, most people will look right past Ron Paul now, and fall in love with some Neo-Con Globalist and the beat goes on. We will continue to destroy our dollar through deficit spending which will lead to much higher fuel and food costs.
This week has been emotional for me. I realized this week how badly the American people are brainwashed. We really take our government on their word that they got him and believe their lies about showing honor to Muslim beliefs. This is like saying the sky is gold when it is blue. We have been lied to in an attempt hijack the liberty movement in America and continue with the status quo. My house will never bow to Caesar Obama, Caesar Bush, or any other scumbag globalist who refuses to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States of America.
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